Online Learning to Continue Your Nursing Education

We believe that nurses who are lifelong learners deliver better patient care. That’s why PCNA is committed to providing you with the continuing education resources you need to provide evidence-based care in the fast-changing world of cardiovascular nursing.

Although we would love to meet all of you face-to-face at our Annual Symposium, or at our many local programs, we know that web-based learning is an important (and convenient!) option too.

See a program that is free or discounted to members? Join PCNA to take advantage of this benefit!

Please note: Learners claiming credit for a live CE program (either face-to-face or webinar) cannot claim credit for the on-demand archived version of the same program.

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Find the Education Courses You Need

View all our on-demand continuing education below, including many CE courses, by searching by course topic, number of continuing education or pharmacology credits, and cost. New continuing education courses are being added all the time, so check back often!

On Demand Library

2021 Health Equity Summit Day 1

0.00 CE contact hours,
0.00 CE pharmacology hours

2021 Health Equity Summit Day 2

0.00 CE contact hours,
0.00 CE pharmacology hours

Access to Lipid Lowering Medications

0.0 CE contact hours,
0.0 CE pharmacology hours

Antiplatelet Therapy in Primary Prevention

0.85 CE contact hours,
0.85 CE pharmacology hours

Aortic Stenosis: Awareness and Identification

0.5 CE contact hours

Aortic Stenosis: Healthy vs. Unhealthy Aortic Valve

0.25 CE contact hours

Aortic Stenosis: Team-Based Care and Shared Decision Making

0.4 CE contact hours

Aortic Stenosis: Treatments

0.5 CE contact hours

Assessing Cardiovascular Risk: Where Are the Data Now and Where Do We Go From Here?

1.0 CE contact hours,
0.0 CE pharmacology hours

Atrial Fibrillation GDMT: Implementing the latest guidelines

0.75 CE contact hours,
0.75 CE pharmacology hours

Behavior Change Mini Certificate

3.5 CE contact hours,
0.0 CE pharmacology hours

Behavior Change Principles in Action: Helping Patients Set Goals and Follow a Heart-Healthy Eating Plan

1.0 CE contact hours

Behavior Change Principles in Action: Improving Medication Adherence

1.0 CE contact hours

Cardiac Rehabilitation Makes a Difference [CE Podcast]

0.5 CE contact hours,
0 CE pharmacology hours

Cardio-Oncology: Patient-Centered Care across the Life Course

0.0 CE contact hours,
0.0 CE pharmacology hours

Cardio-Oncology: The role of the nurse in the patient journey

0.0 CE contact hours,
0.0 CE pharmacology hours

Cardiometabolic Disorders and Heart Failure: Connecting the Dots

1.0 CE contact hours,
0.5 CE pharmacology hours

Cardiometabolic Disparities: An Avoidable Risk for Women

0 CE contact hours,
0 CE pharmacology hours

Cardiometabolic Treatments for Obesity

0.85 CE contact hours,
0.85 CE pharmacology hours

Cardiovascular Health Among Immigrant, Displaced, and Unhoused Populations

0 CE contact hours,
0 CE pharmacology hours

Cardiovascular Health and CVD Risk in LGBTQ+ Populations

1.0 CE contact hours,
0.0 CE pharmacology hours

Cardiovascular Patients with Different Abilities: Increasing Healthcare Access

0 CE contact hours,
0 CE pharmacology hours

Case Study: Lifestyle, Medication, and Intervention to Manage Stable Coronary Heart Disease

0.5 CE contact hours,
0.25 CE pharmacology hours

Choosing the Right Cardiac Pacing Device: Heart Failure Interventions

0.75 CE contact hours,
0.0 CE pharmacology hours

Complex Cases in Lipid Management: Treating LDL and Beyond

0.9 CE contact hours,
0.75 CE pharmacology hours

Creating Patient-centric Treatment Plans With Anticoagulation Therapy and Education

0.6 CE contact hours,
0.6 CE pharmacology hours

Cultural Safety versus Cultural Competency in the Pursuit of Health Equity

0 CE contact hours

CVD Diagnostics: Demystifying which, when and why?

0.85 CE contact hours,
0.0 CE pharmacology hours

Diagnosing Pulmonary Hypertension [CE Podcast]

0.3 CE contact hours,
0.0 CE pharmacology hours

Disability Awareness and Etiquette in Health Promotion

1.0 CE contact hours

Enhancing NVAF Recognition: Exploring Recommended and Advanced Screening Tools

0.4 CE contact hours,
0.0 CE pharmacology hours

Environmental Justice and Cardiovascular Health

0.00 CE contact hours,
0.00 CE pharmacology hours

Essential Skills for Nurse Leaders: Making an Impact with Social Media

0.5 CE contact hours,
0.0 CE pharmacology hours

Euglycemia: Benefits of glucose control on health outcomes [CE Podcast]

0.3 CE contact hours,
0.0 CE pharmacology hours

Evaluating Chest Pain: Cardiac vs. Non-Cardiac

1.0 CE contact hours,
0.0 CE pharmacology hours

Exploring Undiagnosed NVAF and Its Comorbidities

0.4 CE contact hours,
0.2 CE pharmacology hours

Forecasting Patient Access and Innovation

0.75 CE contact hours,
0.5 CE pharmacology hours

From Burnout to Posttraumatic Growth: Renewing your health and well-being

1.0 CE contact hours,
0.0 CE pharmacology hours

From Care to Action: Basics of Advocacy

0 CE contact hours,
0 CE pharmacology hours

Heart Failure and Cardiometabolics: Back to the Basics, Predicted Severity, Prevention and Treatment Techniques

0.75 CE contact hours,
0.0 CE pharmacology hours

Heart Failure Prevention and Treatment: Latest Guidelines

0.75 CE contact hours,
0.25 CE pharmacology hours

Heart Sounds: What is Your Patient’s Heart Telling You?

1.0 CE contact hours

Homozygous Familial Hypercholesterolemia (HoFH): Patient Perspectives

0 CE contact hours

Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy in Clinical Practice

1.0 CE contact hours

Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy: Ask the Experts

0 CE contact hours,
0 CE pharmacology hours

Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy: Comparing Traditional & Novel Treatments

0.75 CE contact hours,
0.75 CE pharmacology hours

Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy: Novel Treatments

0 CE contact hours,
0 CE pharmacology hours

Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy: Patient Access and Team-Based Care

0 CE contact hours,
0 CE pharmacology hours

Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy: Patient Adherence

0 CE contact hours,
0 CE pharmacology hours

Identification and Management of Sleep Apnea to Reduce CVD Risk

1.0 CE contact hours

Improving Adherence to Cholesterol-lowering Therapies

0 CE contact hours

Inflammation and Cardiovascular Disease: Understanding the Relationship

0.75 CE contact hours

Interpreting and Applying the 12 Lead ECG in Clinical Settings

2.0 CE contact hours

Is it Cardiac or Pulmonary? Patient Assessment and Diagnostic Evaluation of Dyspnea

1.0 CE contact hours

Ischemic Heart Disease and Microvascular Angina: Current Trends in Diagnosis and Management

0.75 CE contact hours

Kidney Disease and Cardiovascular Health

0.65 CE contact hours,
0.2 CE pharmacology hours

Kidney Health Equity

0.75 CE contact hours,
0.25 CE pharmacology hours

Leadership Series: Change Management

2.0 CE contact hours,
0.0 CE pharmacology hours

Leadership Series: Crucial Conversations

2.0 CE contact hours,
0.0 CE pharmacology hours

Leadership Series: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

2.0 CE contact hours,
0.0 CE pharmacology hours

Leadership Series: Increasing Diversity in Clinical Trials

2.0 CE contact hours,
0.0 CE pharmacology hours

Leadership Series: Leadership in the Workplace

2.0 CE contact hours

Leadership Series: Mentorship

2.0 CE contact hours,
0.0 CE pharmacology hours

Leadership Series: Strategies for Successful Leadership

2.0 CE contact hours,
0.0 CE pharmacology hours

Lipoprotein(a) and ASCVD Risk

0 CE contact hours

Lp(a): Closer Than You Think [CE Podcast]

0.3 CE contact hours,
0.0 CE pharmacology hours

Lurking Lp(a): Hiding Just Below the Surface [CE Podcast]

0.5 CE contact hours,
0.1 CE pharmacology hours

Management of Atrial Fibrillation, from A to Z

0.65 CE contact hours,
0.2 CE pharmacology hours

Managing Hypertension: The Silent Killer

1.25 CE contact hours,
0.5 CE pharmacology hours

Maternal Mortality, Cardiovascular Disease, and Prevention

0.75 CE contact hours,
0.0 CE pharmacology hours

Mental Health and Behavioral Interventions: Impact on Cardiovascular Risk Factors

0.75 CE contact hours,
0.0 CE pharmacology hours

Mobilizing Nurses to Reduce Hypertension Burden

0.75 CE contact hours,
0.0 CE pharmacology hours

New and Emerging Treatments for Heart Failure: HFrEF and HFpEF

0.85 CE contact hours,
0.85 CE pharmacology hours

Novel Diabetes Therapies in CVD Risk Reduction [CE Podcast]

0.6 CE contact hours,
0.6 CE pharmacology hours

Nutrition Interventions Across the Lifespan: A Case Study Approach

0 CE contact hours,
0 CE pharmacology hours

Obesity’s Impact on Mental Health

0 CE contact hours,
0 CE pharmacology hours

Optimal Nutrition for Cardiovascular Risk Reduction

0.83 CE contact hours

Overcoming Provider and Patient Inertia

0 CE contact hours

Peripheral Artery Disease Lower Limb Amputation: An Epidemic of Poverty and Race

0 CE contact hours

Pharmacologic Management of Depression in Adults with CVD

1.0 CE contact hours,
1.0 CE pharmacology hours

Post-Cancer Cardiovascular Complications for Women

0.0 CE contact hours,
0.0 CE pharmacology hours

Precision Medicine and Genetics: Implications for CVD Prevention and Management

0.65 CE contact hours,
0.0 CE pharmacology hours

Preventing Stroke: Applying the Guidelines

0.75 CE contact hours,
0.75 CE pharmacology hours

Preventing the Progression of Chronic Kidney Diease: Pharmacologic Management of Patients with Complex Co-Morbidities

1.0 CE contact hours,
1.0 CE pharmacology hours

Prevention and Treatment of COVID-19: A review of the current data

0.85 CE contact hours,
0.85 CE pharmacology hours

Primordial Prevention of Atherosclerosis: Starting Young

0.00 CE contact hours,
0.00 CE pharmacology hours

Rare Arrythmias: Do you know what to look for?

0.85 CE contact hours,
0.0 CE pharmacology hours

Recognizing Pulmonary Hypertension [CE Podcast]

0.5 CE contact hours,
0.0 CE pharmacology hours

Reducing Maternal Mortality through Comprehensive Antenatal and Postnatal Cardiovascular Care

0.00 CE contact hours

Reflecting on Well-Being: Focus on the Health of Nurses

1.0 CE contact hours,
0.0 CE pharmacology hours

Secondary Prevention in Acute Coronary Syndrome: What Nurses Need to Know

1.0 CE contact hours

Smoking Cessation: Counseling Strategies and Pharmacologic Treatments

1.0 CE contact hours

Spotlight on Worsening Heart Failure

0.75 CE contact hours,
0.75 CE pharmacology hours

START: Stroke Prevention Through Afib Recognition and Treatment

1.0 CE contact hours,
0.35 CE pharmacology hours

Structural Heart Interventions: What’s New?

0.75 CE contact hours,
0.0 CE pharmacology hours

Substance Abuse and Cardiovascular Disease

0.75 CE contact hours

Success in Failure: New Definitions in Heart Failure

1.0 CE contact hours,
0.25 CE pharmacology hours

Telehealth and Virtual Patient Care: Best Practices

0.75 CE contact hours

The Buck Stops Here: We’re All Responsible for Lp(a) [CE Podcast]

0.25 CE contact hours,
0.0 CE pharmacology hours

The Challenge of CVD Risk Reduction in Racial and Ethnic Minorities

0.75 CE contact hours

The QT Interval: Too Hot, Too Cold, Just Right

0.75 CE contact hours,
0.5 CE pharmacology hours

The Role of Lp(a) in CVD Risk

0.75 CE contact hours,
0.25 CE pharmacology hours

The Role of Lp(a) in CVD Risk

0.75 CE contact hours,
0.25 CE pharmacology hours

The Role of Non-Statin Therapies in Optimal Cholesterol Management

0 CE contact hours

Therapies to Treat Inflammation in Cardiovascular Disease

0.85 CE contact hours,
0.85 CE pharmacology hours

Transitioning from Acute to Chronic Lipid Management

0 CE contact hours

Treating Pulmonary Hypertension [CE Podcast]

0.75 CE contact hours,
0.75 CE pharmacology hours

Understanding and Reducing Cardiovascular and Cardiometabolic Risks [CE Podcast]

0.6 CE contact hours,
0.0 CE pharmacology hours

Understanding Reimbursement Practice Trends to Overcome CVD Medication Access Barriers

0.0 CE contact hours,
0.0 CE pharmacology hours

Update on Stroke: Tenecteplase

0.85 CE contact hours,
0.85 CE pharmacology hours