Course Overview
Interpreting ECG results have become increasingly important in the treatment of cardiovascular disease. In this two-hour course, learn from Dr. Caroline Miller Reilly on how to interpret and apply the 12 Lead ECG in a clinical setting. At the completion of the course, learners will be able to understand the major components of a 12-lead ECG and how to interpret and apply this knowledge to patient care. The difference between VT, SVT, and aberrancy and criteria for LVH, fascicular and bundle branch blocks, and acute myocardial infarction will also be discussed.
Member Cost: $0
Credits: 2.0 CE contact hours
Learning Objectives
- Review the major components of the 12-lead ECG including the axis, p-wave, QRS complex, T wave, ST segment, and QT duration
- Outline a systematic approach to 12-lead ECG interpretation and application to patient care utilizing case studies
- Differentiate VT vs SVT and aberrancy
- List the criteria for LVH, fascicular and bundle branch blocks, and acute myocardial infarction
Related Resource
- Article: Heart Rate Variability Measurement
- Article: Using Heart Rate Variability Measurements
- Caroline Miller Reilly, PhD, RN, CFHN

PCNA is accredited by the American Association of Nurse Practitioners as an approved provider of nurse practitioner continuing education. Provider number: 030602.