Triglyceride Handouts for your Patients

The Preventive Cardiovascular Nurses Association has developed this series of triglyceride handouts for nurses and other health care providers to use with patients. Join as a member today to take advantage of member pricing.

Triglycerides cover-min

Fact Sheet: Triglycerides – What You Need to Know

This fact sheet includes everything your patients need to know about triglycerides. The tool is divided into 4 sections:

  • What are triglycerides?
  • Healthy eating
  • Activity and exercise
  • Triglyceride treatments

Reviewed January 2023


Free to download (login required)

$0 members/$50 non-members
25 per order


Free to download (login required)

Please allow 6-8 weeks for delivery of any printed materials. Funded through educational grants from Akcea and Amarin.

Disclaimer: This and other PCNA educational materials are for information purposes only and are not intended to replace medical advice or diagnose or treat health problems. Health-related decisions should be made in partnership with a healthcare provider. It is the reader's responsibility to seek out the most current, accurate information.