The Latest Cardiovascular Nursing Research at Your Fingertips

The Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing (JCN) is the leading professional journal for cardiovascular nurses, and the official journal of the Preventive Cardiovascular Nurses Association. Members receive a subscription this bimonthly peer-reviewed journal.

Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing

The Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing is one of the leading journals for nurses in cardiovascular care, providing thorough coverage of timely topics and information that is extremely practical for daily, on-the-job use.


  • Top-10 Journals of Nursing
  • Impact Factor – 2.105

Regular columns include:

  • Progress in Prevention
  • By the Bedside
  • Pharmacology
  • Outcomes Research

Join PCNA and Save

The standard JCN subscription rate is $152, but PCNA members receive JCN and many other clinical tools and educational opportunities for only $85 in annual membership dues.