Tools and Handouts for Your Patients
The Preventive Cardiovascular Nurses Association has developed this Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD) handout for nurses and other health care providers to use with patients. Join as a member today to take advantage of member pricing.

Fact Sheet: Step on Up - Peripheral Artery Disease
Our two-sided fact sheet provides patients with the "need-to-knows" of Peripheral Artery Disease. Sections include:
- What is PAD?
- What are the symptoms?
- Tests for PAD
- PAD treatments
Updated October 2024
Free to download (login required)
$0 members/$25 non-members
25 sheets per order
Free to download (login required)
$0 members/$25 non-members
25 sheets per order
Please allow 6-8 weeks for delivery of any printed materials.

Peripheral Artery Disease Activity Program
Research in vascular exercise has demonstrated remarkable improvement in symptoms of leg pain (claudication) without expensive or invasive interventions. Regular walking programs are extremely helpful for patients with PAD and intermittent claudication.
This instruction sheet is designed to help get patients started with an activity program.
Reviewed September 2024
Free to download (login required)

Screening Tool: Are you at risk? - Preventing Peripheral Artery Disease
Identify patients with Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD) with this four-page screening tool. The questionnaire focuses on risk factors for PAD, walks clinicians through clinical tests to diagnose PAD, and helps patients develop an action plan.
This tool can be used in either clinical or outreach settings. Use our screening event toolkit to plan your next cardiovascular-related screening event.
Reviewed July 2024
Free to download (login required)
Disclaimer: This and other PCNA educational materials are for information purposes only and are not intended to replace medical advice or diagnose or treat health problems. Health-related decisions should be made in partnership with a healthcare provider. It is the reader's responsibility to seek out the most current, accurate information.