Hereditary hATTR Amyloidosis Handout for Your Patients
The Preventive Cardiovascular Nurses Association has developed this Hereditary hATTR Amyloidosis handout for nurses and other health care providers to use with patients. Join as a member today to take advantage of member pricing.

Fact Sheet: Hereditary Amyloidosis – What You Need to Know
The Preventive Cardiovascular Nurses Association has developed this tool to help health care providers and their patients identify the common signs and symptoms of Hereditary ATTR (hATTR) Amyloidosis and its implications for the cardiovascular system.
Awareness of hATTR amyloidosis is important as early detection is the key to optimal management! This tool:
- Defines hATTR
- Lists the signs and symptoms
- Describes diagnosis
- Provides resources regarding genetic testing, treatments, and ongoing support.
Reviewed January 2024
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Disclaimer: This and other PCNA educational materials are for information purposes only and are not intended to replace medical advice or diagnose or treat health problems. Health-related decisions should be made in partnership with a healthcare provider. It is the reader's responsibility to seek out the most current, accurate information.