Step 1: Determine Feasibility

It is important to determine the need for a local chapter in your area. Chapters provide the opportunity for additional education and networking among colleagues. Additionally, be sure to determine that there are a sufficient number of nurses in the geographical area to support the formal structure of a chapter.

  1. Establish proposed boundaries of the new chapter. Keep in mind:
    • Travel time to meetings (≤ 1 hours by car)
    • Proximity of other chapters
  2. Determine current PCNA presence in your area by asking the national office to send you a list of potential chapter members within the proposed boundaries.  (Please include a zip code and mile radius).  Email your request to Mariel Snyder.
  3. Determine potential chapter members by reaching out to nurses at your place of work. A reminder: you do not need to be a PCNA member to join and attend chapter events.

Step 2: Identify Leadership

It is important to have support from colleagues in chapter start-up. Identify 1-3 individuals who would commit to spend time planning chapter events. Another option is to reach out to the PCNA community and see if there is any interest in co-leading or joining your leadership team.

Step 3: Time Requirements

As a chapter leader, you must be willing to manage all aspects of your chapter including planning a minimum of 1 event a year, sending welcome emails to new members to your chapter each month (template provided), attending 2 chapter leader conference calls a year, and when possible, attending the Annual Symposium. . Make sure you can make the commitment before you start a chapter. 

Step 4: Contact the National Office

Still up for a rewarding challenge?  Contact Mariel Snyder, Senior Membership and Chapter Lead at the PCNA National Office by phone at 608-250-2440 or email at  

Step 5: Organize an Informational Meeting (optional)

You’ll invite colleagues and nurses from the PCNA community in your area to an informal gathering to determine interest and possible leadership in the proposed chapter.

Step 6: Wrapping up the Process

Once interest has been established to start a chapter, work with Mariel to create your chapter webpage and begin planning your first event.