PCNA Convenes First Annual Global Nursing Leadership Forum in NYC

For Immediate Release

PCNA Convenes First Annual Global Nursing Leadership Forum in NYC

(October 20, 2014) The Preventive Cardiovascular Nurses Association (PCNA), based in Madison, Wis., convened the first Global Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) Nursing Leadership Forum this October. The forum gathered internationally recognized nurse leaders to formulate a “Draft Master Plan” to address CVD and stroke prevention challenges encountered by nurses worldwide. The forum featured keynote speakers Valentin Fuster, MD, PhD, MACC, who presented on supporting the mission of global CVD prevention, and Martha Hill, RN, PhD, who spoke about the role of the global nursing community in CVD prevention. The program was supported by Bristol-Myers Squibb/Pfizer.

The forum was designed to provide the participants with background information and forum to ultimately address these objectives: 1) explore ways in which nurses across the world and global nursing organizations can support the established cardiovascular and stroke reduction goal set by the World Heart Federation (WHF) – to reduce non-communicable (NCD) deaths 25% by 2025; 2) develop a mechanism for outreach to low income and middle income countries where nurses and organized nursing practices and presence in cardiovascular disease and stroke prevention is not established and/or less than optimal; 3) establish an international “CVD and Stroke Prevention Nurse Expert Roster,” and 4) establish a “Master Plan” for nursing organizations to work together to identify how to maximize the important contributions that nursing brings to CVD and Stroke prevention globally. Representatives each had the opportunity to share information about CVD prevention in their countries, and the role of nursing in these efforts.

“This is a great step for cardiovascular and stroke nursing as a global entity,” comments Laura Hayman, chair of PCNA International Committee. “It is vital that we reach an understanding of cardiovascular disease and stroke as a global issue, and not just a national health problem. Our group of internationally recognized healthcare professionals is excited and prepared to take on this important topic on the global stage.”

PCNA has established itself as the premier organization of nursing professionals dedicated to the prevention of cardiac and other vascular diseases throughout the lifespan. PCNA’s mission includes developing and promoting nurses as leaders in this field and supporting comprehensive risk reduction strategies for individuals and populations across the lifespan. PCNA takes pride in supporting leadership, advocacy, lifelong learning and empowerment of the nursing community. To learn more about PCNA and their continuing education, free nursing tools, Annual Symposium and more, visit PCNA.net or join them on facebook.com/heartnurses or twitter @heartnurses.



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