NYU School of Medicine’s Cardiometabolic Risk in Inflammatory Conditions: Emerging Insights and Treatment of Inflammation in Cardiovascular Disease
This half-day course will cover state-of-the-art topics on the management of patients at elevated risk of cardiovascular and cardiometabolic disease due to underlying systemic inflammation. This course is designed to provide an informative and practical guide towards the clinical management of cardiovascular disease in patients with systemic inflammation including those with recurrent pericarditis, dyslipidemia, and elevated genetic cardiovascular risk. The course is meant to be an update on recent data linking systemic inflammation and cardiovascular disease including reviewing such landmark trials as the CANTOS trial, those related to colchicine, and upcoming clinical trials in cardiology targeting the immune system. Data and clinical pearls will be presented on the use of immune-modulating therapies (including newly FDA-approved therapies) in pericarditis. Finally, a series of speakers will discuss emerging data linking systemic inflammation with high cardiovascular risk patient populations including those with a strong family history of heart disease and the relationship between dyslipidemia and inflammation. Question and Answer sessions will be spread throughout the day to encourage interaction and audience participation with interspersed panel discussions from experts describing their own experiences, practical approaches, and lessons learned from cardio-inflammatory clinics.