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2023 Cholesterol Summit

May 18, 2023

9:00 am CDT -2:30 pm CDT

Join us for a non-CE* event to learn how to apply evidence-based lipid management strategies in your nursing practice.  The American Heart Association estimates that nearly 94 million American adults have elevated blood cholesterol levels.  Despite advances in the pharmacological treatment of dyslipidemia, high cholesterol remains a significant public health problem across the United States.


9:00 AM CTWelcome
Susan Halli Demeter, SPRN, DNP, FNP-BC
9:15 AM CTInherited Genetic Lipid Disorders: An Overview
Kathleen Byrne, MSN, CRNP, CCRN
Megan Gwozdecke, Patient Advocate
10:00 AM CTPrimordial Prevention of Atherosclerosis: Starting Young
Anne Goldberg, MD, FACP, FAHA
10:45 AM CTNutrition Interventions Across the Lifespan: A Case Study Approach
Carol Kirkpatrick, PhD, MPH, RDN, CLS, FNLA
11:30 AM CTPanel Discussion
12:00 PM CTBreak
12:15 PM CTWomen’s Lipid Health Across the Lifespan: An Unmet Need
Eugenia Gianos, MD
1:00 PM CTAccess to Lipid Lowering Medications
Eileen Handberg, PhD, ANP-BC, FACC
Sheryl Zaworski, Patient Champion
1:45 PM CTPanel Discussion
2:30 PM CTProgram Concludes

*Non-CE continuing education offers quality professional development that can be utilized in many work settings, for certification maintenance and more.

Learning Objectives

Inherited Genetic Lipid Disorders: An Overview

  • Pathophysiology and effect of dyslipidemia
  • Pharmacological management of dyslipidemia
  • Case study of Familial Hypercholesterolemia and/or high triglycerides – a patient perspective

Primordial Prevention of Atherosclerosis: Starting Young

  • Risk factors for developing dyslipidemia beginning in childhood
  • Lifestyle and nutrition behavioral change principles
    Identification and monitoring of lipid disorders

Nutrition Interventions Across the Lifespan: A Case Study Approach

  • Review of modifiable versus non-modifiable risk factors
  • Metabolic syndrome, obesity, and diabetes
  • Nutrition interventions to deploy for enhanced patient outcomes

• Women’s Lipid Health Across the Lifespan: An Unmet Need

  • Lipids during peri-pregnancy period
  • Dyslipidemia treatment considerations for contraception and fertility
  • Menopause and aging effect on lipid status

Access to Lipid Lowering Medications

  • Overview of novel lipid-lowering medications on the market today
  • Effect of social determinants of health on access and adherence to lipid-lowering medications
  • Shared decision making in access and adherence – a patient perspective

Thank you for the independent educational grant from Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, Inc.