Chapter Information
Areas Served
The Erie Chapter serves the Erie, Pennsylvania and surrounding tristate area including northwest Pennsylvania, northeast Ohio, and northwest New York.
Contact Anita to learn more about getting involved with the Erie Chapter.
Chapter Introduction
Get to Know Your Chapter Leadership Team!
The Erie Chapter was started in September 2019 by Anita Klein and her colleagues. Our plan is to offer cardiovascular healthcare professionals an opportunity to belong to the local chapter of a national organization that provides current information and education on cardiovascular disease. We hope to provide opportunities for continuing education, professional growth, and networking.
In keeping with the mission of PCNA, to promote nurses as leaders in the prevention of cardiovascular disease, the Erie chapter plans to hold quarterly meetings. Our goal is to provide opportunities to our local medical community to earn continuing education by hosting events every spring and fall. We also want to create or participate in local community educational opportunities promoting prevention of cardiovascular disease by providing education and blood pressure screenings.
We are eager to share with our area colleagues the benefits available through PCNA with our Erie and tristate area colleagues. This will be a new experience for our region and we are excited to see it blossom!
Photo Galleries
Erie Fall Chapter Program 2023
Erie Chapter Outreach 2022
Erie Chapter Outreach 2019
Chapter Leadership
Chapter President
Anita Klein BSN, RN-BC, R.T.(R)
Other Chapter Leaders
Board Members
Jessica Franks RN-BC
Darla Heidt RN BSN CVRN-BC
Michelle Dornhoefer, RN-BC, BSN
Jennifer Zuba, BSN, RN
Shannon Eggleston, RN, BSN
Start a Chapter
Click here to start the process of starting a PCNA chapter.
Start a Chapter