PCNA Shows Support For WHF World Heart Day This September
(September 17, 2014) The Preventive Cardiovascular Nurses Association (PCNA), based in Madison, Wis., is proud to announce its support of this year’s World Heart Federation (WHF) World Heart Day, taking place on Monday, September 29, 2014. This year’s theme is Heart-Healthy Environments.
This year, WHF is calling on national and international leaders to recognize the global burden of cardiovascular disease (CVD) and to prioritize the need for heart-healthy environments, to ensure people make heart healthy choices. To highlight the importance of the issue, WHF is asking everyone to sign the global petition, which will be presented to national and international leaders on World Heart Day.
Signing the petition isn’t the only option, however. Everyone can show their support of this important issue by submitting a supportive tweet or Facebook post via the petition page using the campaign hashtags #heartchoices or #worldheartday, sharing a heart-hand selfie (a picture of hands forming a heart) or a short video of heart-healthy choices also using the campaign hashtags. Lastly, people can show their support by placing a Twibbon logo on their Facebook and Twitter accounts, or by donating a tweet to WHF’s Thunderclap. WHF has also produced a video to highlight the issues and invites everyone to disseminate to their networks.
“We are excited to be participating in the promotion of this year’s World Heart Day,” says Sue Koob, MPA, and Chief Executive Officer at PCNA. “Bringing attention to the importance of a heart-healthy environment is a great start to improving our world’s cardiovascular help, and PCNA is proud to be part of such an important project.”
PCNA has established itself as the premier organization of nursing professionals dedicated to the prevention of cardiac and other vascular diseases throughout the lifespan. PCNA’s mission includes developing and promoting nurses as leaders in this field and supporting comprehensive risk reduction strategies for individuals and populations across the lifespan. PCNA takes pride in supporting leadership, advocacy, lifelong learning and empowerment of the nursing community. To learn more about PCNA and their continuing education, free nursing tools, Annual Symposium and more, visit PCNA.net or join them on facebook.com/heartnurses or twitter @heartnurses.