PCNA Expresses Support For World Thrombosis Day
(September 17, 2014) The Preventive Cardiovascular Nurses Association (PCNA), headquartered in Madison, Wis., is proud to express their support for this year’s World Thrombosis Day, taking place on Monday October 13, 2014. This important day is coordinated by the International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis (ISTH).
The mission of World Thrombosis Day is to increase awareness of thrombosis as the cause of the top cardiovascular killers globally and, ultimately, to reduce deaths and disabilities from thromboembolic disease through a greater awareness of its causes, risk factors, signs and symptoms, and evidence-based prevention and treatment.
As part of World Thrombosis Day, dozens of thrombosis and hemostasis societies, patient advocacy groups, medical/scientific organizations and other interested parties from around the world have set goals to increase the awareness about the prevalence and risks from thrombosis, reduce the number of undiagnosed cases, increase the implementation of evidence-based prevention, and ultimately, save lives.
“PCNA is excited to be supporting World Thrombosis Day,” says Sue Koob, MPA, and Chief Executive Officer at PCNA. “Thrombosis is a serious issue and is sometimes underrepresented, and PCNA is pleased to be able to contribute its voice to this issue.”
PCNA has established itself as the premier organization of nursing professionals dedicated to the prevention of cardiac and other vascular diseases throughout the lifespan. PCNA’s mission includes developing and promoting nurses as leaders in this field and supporting comprehensive risk reduction strategies for individuals and populations across the lifespan. PCNA takes pride in supporting leadership, advocacy, lifelong learning and empowerment of the nursing community. To learn more about PCNA and their continuing education, free nursing tools, Annual Symposium and more, visit PCNA.net or join them on facebook.com/heartnurses or twitter @heartnurses. ###