Hypertension Clinician Certification

Hypertension, often referred to as the silent killer, is a major health crisis and is the number one avoidable risk for death from heart attack or stroke. Given a persistent history of poor outcomes combined with the promising new treatment option, certification can help increase knowledge and awareness in this area.

Recently updated, the American Hypertension Clinician Certification Program is a highly effective educational opportunity for cardiovascular nurses. This certification is about empowerment as much as it is about knowledge. It is designed to provide nurses with a well-rounded understanding of hypertension treatment and control and to mobilize them in the fight against hypertension. The American Hypertension Clinician Certification will equip you with the tools to make a real difference in patient outcomes.

Scholarship Program for the American Hypertension Clinician Certification Program

PCNA is hosting a scholarship program for the American Hypertension Clinician Certification. We are offering a complimentary continuing education preparation course and 25 scholarships for certification.

25 scholarships will be awarded to qualified applicants. Criteria include:

  • Two years of direct patient care experience in hypertension is recommended.
  • Currently licensed in the United States as a Nurse Practitioner, Clinical Nurse Specialist, Physician Assistant, Pharmacist, or Physician.

Apply for a Scholarship

Fill out the form below to apply for a scholarship. You may reach out to PCNA with questions.

Prepare for the Certification

Certification Application DeadlineTesting Window
January 29, 2025March 1 – March 15, 2025
July 9, 2025August 9 – August 12, 2025

Visit the testing site for more information on next steps and how to apply.

Take the complimentary preparatory course, Managing Hypertension: The Silent Killer (1.25 CE/0.5 Pharm CE), which will cover types of hypertension, traditional and novel treatments for hypertension, and the role of the cardiovascular nurse in hypertension treatment and management, including resources to refine and recognize skills and knowledge.

Scholarship Application

If a license is required for your role, select all licensures you hold:
Are you licenses in the United States?(Required)
Have you provided direct patient care to patients with hypertension for 2 or more years?(Required)

Thank you to Medtronic for their support of this project.

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