Global Leaders in Preventive Cadiovascular Nursing Convene in NYC

The Preventive Cardiovascular Nurses Association (PCNA) convened its first Global Cardiovascular Nursing Leadership Forum (GCNLF) in October of 2014, bringing together a collective of internationally recognized nurse leaders from around the world for a cardiovascular disease and prevention strategy meeting. The group, including representatives from both low income and middle income countries, aimed to formulate a draft master plan to address and minimize challenges and barriers to cardiovascular care and prevention on both a global and country-specific level. Moving forward, the collaborative and global nature of the GCNLF will explore ways in which nursing and global nursing organizations can support the established cardiovascular risk reduction and stroke reduction goal set by the World Heart Federation – to reduce non-communicable disease deaths 25% by 2025. In addition, the group aims to develop a mechanism for outreach to low- and middle-income countries where organized nursing practice and presence is not well established for cardiovascular disease and prevention. Stay tuned to this news page for further and ongoing updates.