NYU Langone Health’s Management Decisions in Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) is one of the most challenging diseases encountered in cardiology practice because of the diversity of its expression and its unpredictable clinical course. In the last two decades, HCM care has seen the development of highly effective interventions that prevent sudden death, relieve symptoms, and prevent stroke. The lecturers at this course are national and international thought leaders in the realm of HCM care. They will discuss the latest medical, electrophysiologic, and surgical advances including: novel pharmacologic therapy of symptoms with myosin ATP-ase inhibition, indications for ICD implantation, and judgements for when an IV-ICD or S-ICD might be chosen, the crucial role of anticoagulation for AFib, and when AF ablation might be indicated. The effect of obesity on HCM phenotype will be discussed.
This webinar will feature a unique nested surgical symposium featuring the world’s foremost myectomy surgeons demonstrating and debating optimal operative techniques. Video of extended myectomy and novel ancillary surgical approaches to the mitral valve will be demonstrated. Evolving research for non-obstructive HCM and indications for cardiac transplantation will be discussed. Current echocardiographic and MRI diagnosis will be covered including how to recognize and quantify the contribution of the mitral valve to obstruction, differentiate between the various hypertrophic heart diseases, as well as TEE planning and monitoring of myectomy. Practical family counseling, non-invasive screening, and genotype analysis will be covered. Recent research concerning the etiology of apical aneurysms in HCM will be discussed. Distinctive obstructive HCM anatomy and physiology are present in up to a third of patients with acute LV ballooning. Differentiation of the cause LV ballooning between obstructive HCM and Takotsubo syndrome will be presented.