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Global Cardiovascular Nursing Leadership Forum Meeting

October 04 – October 05, 2023

7:00 am CDT -10:30 am CDT

In today’s interconnected world, the significance of global collaboration and diverse perspectives cannot be overstated. PCNA’s Global Cardiovascular Nursing Leadership Forum, happening October 4-5, offers a remarkable opportunity for the international nursing community to connect with exceptional speakers and broaden their horizons.
Open to anyone and free to register, this year’s virtual meeting focuses on critical themes like advocacy, the exploration of digital technology, and innovative education models on a global scale. Prepare to be inspired and empowered as you engage with voices worldwide, expanding your knowledge and impact within the nursing sphere.
7:00 AM CTOpening Remarks
Susan Halli Demeter, DNP, CNP, NP
7:05 AM CTGCNLF Mission, Goals, and Accomplishments
Laura Hayman, PhD, RN, FPCNA, FAAN
7:45 AM CTExamine the Global Impact of Cardiometabolic Disorders and the Resulting Increased CVD Burden
Mark Huffman, MD, MPH
8:45 AM CTBreak
9:00 AM CTAdvocacy Training: Amplifying the Nursing Voice at the Policy Level
Donna Fitzsimons, PhD, RN, BSc
10:00 AM CTPanel Discussion
10:45 AM CT Closing Remarks
7:00 AM CTOpening Remarks
7:05 AM CTExploring the Use of Digital Technology in the Prevention and Management of Cardiovascular Disease
Robyn Gallagher, PhD, BA, MN, RN, FAHA, FESC, FAAN
8:05 AM CTInternational Innovative Models of Education and Training
Professor Catherine Ross
8:50 AM CTBreak
9:00 AM CTSharing Best Practices for Stroke and CVD Prevention and Management
Thomas Hinneh, MSclH, BscN, RN
10:00 AM CTPanel Discussion
10:30 AM CT Closing Remarks