COVID-19 Resources for Cardiovascular Nurses

The following is a collection of resources that may be of use to a cardiovascular nurse during the COVID-19 pandemic. Click on a heading below to jump to a section.
May 8, 2020 Update
April 17, 2020 Update
April 2, 2020 Update
- Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
- Cardiovascular Care
- Mental Health and COVID-19
- Funding Opportunity
- How to Keep Active
May 8, 2020 Update
Cardiovascular Care During COVID
Continuity of Care
The American Society for Preventive Cardiology has issued a scientific statement on the continuity of care and outpatient care for those at high risk for cardiovascular disease. The statement includes strategies to preserve the continuity of care and enhance cardiovascular health during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Oxygenation and Ventilation of COVID-19 Patients
This toolkit of videos and resources from the American Heart Association (AHA) is designed to refresh healthcare providers who find themselves assisting, inserting, and managing with advanced airways.
FH and Complications from COVID-19
A blogpost from the FH Foundation reviews the current understanding of the ways COVID-19 can impact the heart and concerns for people with familial hypercholesterolemia.
COVID-19 – Managing Type 2 Diabetes and CVD
A podcast from the AHA and the American Diabetes Association addresses the implications for managing T2D and CVD, and includes telehealth tips, treatment plan considerations, and ways to help patients prepare.
Related Webinar: Connecting Diabetes and Heart Disease – Earn 1.0 CE contact hours, including 0.3 pharmacology.
Importance of Calling 911
National organizations have joined together to urge people to call 911 in response to the drop in heart attacks and strokes. Patients should feel safe calling 911 and visiting the hospital, and should not ignore symptoms of heart attack or stroke.
HIPPA Changes Since the Pandemic
This article summarizes the changes to HIPPA that have been made in response to the COVID pandemic.
Validated Home Blood Pressure Devices
In a time of increased telehealth, the American Medical Association released a listing of blood pressure measurement devices that have been validated for clinical accuracy as determined through an independent review process.
Mental Health
National Alliance for Mental Illness
Reminding us that there is no health without mental health, the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) has a guide on the intersection between COVID-19 and mental health. See this and other resources here.
Additional Resources
European Society of Cardiology Resources
The European Society of Cardiology has an extensive set of resources on COVID-19, including podcasts, insights from the frontlines and ESC guidance on diagnosing and managing CVD during the pandemic.
American Nurses Association
Among their many COVID-19 resources are answers to the 40 most frequently asked questions for nurses on COVID-19, and the American Nurses Foundation’s Coronavirus Response Fund offering free housing and mental health services to nurses struggling with COVID-19 challenges.
April 17, 2020 Update
Cardiovascular Care During COVID-19
Drop in Heart Attack and Stroke
Following a drastic drop in cath lab activity, patients are being urged to seek emergency care for heart attack and stroke without worrying about COVID-19. Patients should not ignore symptoms of heart attack or stroke, but should seek emergency care through normal channels.
Lit Review: CV Considerations for Patients, Healthcare Workers, and Health Systems
An article in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology reviewed the literature on the cardiovascular considerations related to COVID-19 and highlights gaps in knowledge that require further study.
Stroke Care: Guidance During the COVID-19 Pandemic
The American Heart Association/American Stroke Association’s Stroke Council Leadership has released “Temporary Emergency Guidance to U.S. Stroke Centers During the COVID-19 Pandemic.”
Acute MI: Recommendations for Management
The American College of Cardiology (ACC) has a list of 10 things to remember about the controversy around managing myocardial infarctions.
Cardiac Electrophysiology: 8 Things to Remember
ACC has a list of important points to remember related to guidance for Cardiac EP.
ACE-Inhibitors and COVID-19
More evidence supporting ACE inhibitors and angiotensin receptor blockers being at least not harmful in COVID-19 patients came from analysis at two U.K. hospitals, although confounding was likely an issue. Read the study.
AFib: What Do Patients Need to Know About COVID-19? has complied the most credible information on COVID-19 for those living with atrial fibrillation.
COVID and People with Heart Disease
The National Forum has a summary of a recent CDC briefing on people who are at higher risk for severe illness from COVID-19. Who do they exactly mean?
Mental Health
Pro Bono Therapy for COVID-19 Frontline Workers
500 volunteer therapists in 37 states are providing health care workers flexible therapy through Project Parachute. Healthcare workers search for sessions based on time preference or a therapist’s specialty.
Managing Coronavirus Anxiety
HealthyWomen interviewed a clinical psychologist for ideas on how women, mothers, and anyone in a caregiver role can manage the mounting anxiety around COVID-19. Read the interview.
Resources from our Partners
AHA Compiled COVID Resources
A compilation of the American Heart Association’s resources, including scientific articles and professional support. Visit the resources.
National Lipid Association Resources
Resources include a telehealth primer, maintaining cardiovascular health while social distancing, and keeping your kids busy. See the NLA resources.
WomenHeart Webinar
Learn about WomenHeart’s response to COVID-19 and hear from a cardiologist about what COVID-19 is and its impact on patients with heart disease. View the webinar.
More Resources
What the COVID-19 Stimulus Package Offers Patients and Providers
Newly signed into law, the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act is an aid package aimed at shoring up America’s health care system and providing relief to those harmed by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Read a summary of the bill from the Patient Access Foundation.
April 2, 2020 Update
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
- Optimization Strategies for Healthcare PPE – recorded webinar from the Centers for Disease Control
- Be Confident Protecting Yourself and Providing the Best Care to Your Patients during this COVID-19 Pandemic – recorded webinar from the American Nurses Association
Conserving PPE Print-outs
These one-page PDFs reflect the current supply shortage in which masks, goggles and face shields may be conserved and reused. Created by Emory University’s Visual Medical Education team.
Cardiovascular Care
- The FCC is providing millions in first-come, first-served telehealth funding to nonprofit and public eligible health care providers. Learn more and apply.
- The usual restrictions have been eased and reimbursements have been expanded for Telehealth during the COVID-19 pandemic. PCNA compiled the relevant news from government agencies.
- The Heart Rhythm Society has a recorded interview on the pivot to telemedicine.
The AC Forum has two new webinars that offer guidance on managing anticoagulation during the COIVD-19 outbreak.
- Management of Warfarin Patients Who Have Difficulty Getting INR Testing During COVID-19 Pandemic
- Managing Anticoagulation during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Watch the webinars or download the slides.
Heart Failure and Hypertension
The American College of Cardiology, American Heart Association and Heart Failure Society of America jointly issued advice on the treatment of people with hypertension and heart failure.
The FH Foundation has a recorded Virtual Community Gathering that covers COVID-19 and familial hypercholesterolemia. Watch the webinar.
The American Diabetes Association has a comprehensive resource page that outlines what is known about the connection between diabetes and COVID-19.
Cardiology: What to Tweak and What to Keep For COVID-19 Care. Read the MedPage Today news story.
Mental Health and COVID-19
Self-Care Tips for YOU
The American Psychiatric Nurses Association published an article that provides tips for managing stress and self-care during COVID-19. Prioritizing self-care is more important than ever during a time like this.
Disaster Distress Helpline
This helpline provides 24/7, 365-day-a-year crisis counseling and support to people experiencing emotional distress related to natural or human-caused disasters.1-800-985-5990 or text “talk with us” to 66746.
Funding Opportunity
American Heart Association COVID-19 Research Grant Opportunity
The American Heart Association (AHA) invites cardiovascular-focused applications that will contribute to understanding the cardiovascular and cerebrovascular pathogenesis, diagnosis, prevention, clinical manifestations, clinical management (including critical care management), and social behaviors which can lead to dissemination, containment, and complications of COVID-19.
Because of the urgency of this issue, innovative, highly impactful short-term proposals (9-12 months), which can show progress within the period of this award, are sought. The deadline is Monday, April 6, 2020. Learn more.
How to Keep Active
Handout for You and Your Patients
The American College of Sports Medicine has created a patient handout to help people think about how to stay active during the COVID-19 pandemic. Given that physical activity can improve immune function and decrease anxiety, this is a particularly important tool. Learn more and get the tool.