Download the Separate Enjoying Life While Managing Heart Failure Sheets
Give your patients with heart failure the critical information they need at discharge from the hospital with these patient education handouts. Try this modular approach to educating patients on the “need-to-knows” in a format that can be provided in stages and supplemented with take-home fact sheets.
Get the entire tool, or download each page separately.

Understanding the Diagnosis
Patients will learn the causes of heart failure, how to manage it, and how to tell if a change in treatment is needed.

The Journey
Help patients understand heart failure treatments including procedures and devices like implantable pacemakers and defibrillators.

Common Medicines
Provide patients with an overview of the commonly prescribed medicines for heart failure and their purposes.

Your Emotions
Give patients a better understanding of what to expect when living with heart failure, as well as tips and suggestions for when to consult their healthcare provider.

Get Moving
Patients will learn how to exercise safely and effectively to get the most from their workouts.

The Sodium in Your Food
Patients learn which foods contain the highest levels of sodium, how to reduce sodium intake, and which seasonings can be substituted for salt.

Heart Failure Patient Log
Encourage patients to document questions and concerns, record symptoms, and track weight to share at each clinic visit.
Disclaimer: This and other PCNA educational materials are for information purposes only and are not intended to replace medical advice or diagnose or treat health problems. Health-related decisions should be made in partnership with a healthcare provider. It is the reader's responsibility to seek out the most current, accurate information.