Many Hands Make Light Work

It is important for Chapters to have structure through their leadership team in order to secure a smooth, strategic, and thoughtful succession plan. The below leadership job descriptions are suggestions for chapters to implement. Chapters may create different jobs, one person may play more than one role, you can create different rolls, etc. Each chapter is unique. 

Chapter Leadership Team Job Descriptions

Chapter President/Leader

  • Works with leadership team to determine date, venue, food & beverage, CE topics, and speakers for spring and fall learning program
  • Works with Membership Coordinator (Mariel) on appropriate budget based on number of attendees and venue
  • Completes annual report through Survey Monkey at the end of the year
Time Commitment
  • Depending on how many CE presentations you offer at your program, planning an event could range from 2-5 hours. The actual event can range from 1-4 hours. The more leadership team members you have, the lighter the load.
  • Total Commitment: 10 -20 hours a year

Chapter Communication/Marketing

  • Works with Membership Coordinator (Mariel) to make sure chapter webpage has the most up-to-date information listed
  • Updates the template flyer and distributes it to leadership team and throughout the community
  • Works with Mariel to review “Save the Date” emails
  • Coordinates with leadership team to brainstorm other ways to spread the word about chapter events
Time Commitment
  • 4-6 hours a year.

Chapter Membership/Community Initiatives Coordinator

  • Welcomes new members at chapter programs
  • Manages sign in sheet during programs and create a welcoming environment
  • Explores outreach opportunities regarding membership recruitment to chapter events
Time Commitment
  • 4-6 hours a year.

Chapter Education Coordinator

  • Works with leadership team to choose a CE presentation from the CE Library (currently 10+ presentations available, 3 new decks created yearly) or submit original CE presentation paperwork
  • If creating original content complete the CE Application and CE Disclosure form and find a speaker to complete the CE outline and create a Slide Deck (25 slides or less)
  • Whether using a ready to go presentation or creating original content, the Education Coordinator identifies a speaker. Speakers must complete a Bio and Disclosure form. If offering honorarium, speakers must complete a W9.
Time Commitment
  • This depends on if you use the CE library or create original content.
  • Commitment can range from 2-10 hours a year.